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Monday, November 17, 2008

Clayboard Celebrating Clay's 30th Birthday With "Fundraiser" and "Acts of Kindness"

Clay will turn 30 on November 30. That is less than 2 weeks, in fact, only 12 days.

One way you can celebrate Clay's 30th birthday is by participating and The Clayboard's annual Clayboard Team for Inclusion TBAF Two Fold Birthday Celebration Project, which includes (1) a fundraiser for The Bubel Aiken Foundation, and (2) encouraging people to reach out to others in various acts of kindness.

A thread is set up at The Clayboard which is dedicated to this celebration.
You can go to the Clayboard Team 4 Inclusion Clay's B-day BAF Fundraiser and read all about it, or just read below about the details. Mamarose at the Clayboard has written up a wonderful explanation of the Birthday Celebration Project:

Before I get into details of this year's Birthday Celebration Project, let me explain how you can become a part of our Clayboard Team for Inclusion TBAF Beta Alpha Chapter!

What is Beta Alpha you ask:

"Beta Alpha is a nationwide community project where groups come together to raise funds and build awareness for full inclusion. Beta Alpha allows you to turn any event, golf tournaments, tennis matches, marathons, auctions, into one that helps support the goal of inclusion. It will also allow people to make individual donations to join the cause."

Anyone wishing to be a member of The Clayboard Team for Inclusion must register individually. Registering is very simple and only takes a minute or two. Go to the Beta Alpha Individual Registration Page. Fill out the form you see there. On the form, you will see a space asking you to fill in the name of your chapter/group. If you wish to become a part of our Clayboard chapter, there you should type in our title, Clayboard Team for Inclusion. It is as simple as that! Of course individuals may register without becoming a member of a chapter, but we really would love to build a great Beta Alpha Chapter here at The Clayboard and we hope you will join us. Registration is open to EVERYONE!!!

***And now on to our Clayboard Team for Inclusion TBAF Two Fold Birthday Celebration Project!!!***

PART ONE of our Birthday Celebration Project will be a fundraiser to benefit The Bubel/Aiken Foundation. To make a contribution to our TBAF fundraiser, please CLICK HERE: TBAF DONATION PAGE and follow the directions given there to make your online donation.

IMPORTANT NOTE, PLEASE READ: IN ORDER TO HAVE YOUR DONATION COUNT AS A CLAYBOARD TEAM FOR INCLUSION DONATION, you must include the name of our chapter when filling out the donation form. In the box marked "Beta Alpha Chapter," just type in Clayboard Team for Inclusion. That way your donation will go into the total being raised by our Chapter for this drive.

Also note that the donation form offers suggestions for donation amounts, but there is also a box included for "Other" in which you can write in the donation amount of YOUR choice. Please remember...NO DONATION IS TOO SMALL!

Although TBAF will keep a tally of the contributions coming in, as we did last year, we will also be manually tabulating our daily totals so we can keep you posted on how the fundraiser is coming along.

So, after you have made your TBAF donation, please follow these steps:

Send a PM Mamarose10 (take the link above to the Clayboard thread and click on Mamarose's name in the first post to send her a PM) and include in your PM the following information:

1. The total amount of your donation (Type carefully & accurately please!).

2. Your screenname, if you wish to be included on a participant list that will be published with birthday greetings to Clay. If you chose, you can also be listed as Anonymous.

Please note: Donation amounts will NOT be published. Every donation, large or small, is important and equally appreciated!

PART TWO of our project will be a little different. We all know that sometimes monetary donations are just not possible, but that should never stop anyone who wishes to take part in Clay's birthday celebration. Those who cannot make a monetary donation to TBAF at this time, are welcome to instead participate in some thoughtful and intentional acts of kindness in Clay's name. It can be anything from helping an elderly neighbor to volunteering at a local soup kitchen or whatever you choose.

The names of ALL participants, both those who make a monetary contribution and those who perform an act of kindness, will be included on a birthday card to be presented to Clay at the end of the month.

To participate in the Thoughtful and Intentional Acts of Kindness Project, please follow these steps:

Send a PM Mamarose10 and include in your PM the following information:

1. A BRIEF synopsis of your act of kindness.

2. Your screenname so we may include you on a participant list that will be published with birthday greetings to Clay. If you wish, you can also be listed as Anonymous.

****Lurkers/non-Clayboard members who would like to participate may feel free to donate and email to report their donations.

As the days go by, we will try our best to keep you posted with updates on how our fundraising and acts of kindness totals are coming along.

Our fundraiser will officially end at Noon Eastern Time on November 29th. As soon as we are able we will post the total amount raised.
So let's get this party started!!!!!! If you have not done so already, please join us in becoming a member of our Clayboard Team for Inclusion Beta Alpha Chapter, and let's make this a month where we show Clay that we support him, love him and celebrate each and every day the joy he has brought to all of us!
Thanks to Mamarose for this explanation. Please give if you can, and you can help make this a memorable celebration for both Clay and The Bubel Aiken Foundation.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

BAF Fundraiser for the Holidays!!

An approved Bubel/Aiken Foundation Fundraiser
Once again to benefit the Bubel/Aiken Foundation this holiday season we are selling holiday cards. There are 2 different styles of cards available. Each style has 3 different card designs. Each package of cards contains 12 cards; 4 of each design. Both sets; "Holiday Fun" and "Winter Wonderland" were drawn by family members of those in our group.
All cards are 4 1/2 by 6 1/2 and envelopes are included.

Style #1 - Holiday Fun
Inside card - JOY TO THE WORLD

Style #2 - Winter Wonderland

Each package of 12 cards is $12 plus $3 postage. For orders of 2 packages and over postage will only increase $1 per package.
To place your order please email us at

In your email include -
Your name and address
The number of packages you will be ordering and the style being ordered.
We will respond to you with payment information.
We would prefer check or money order, but will be accepting Paypal. All Paypal orders must add an additional $1 per order.

53% of all proceeds from the sale of these cards will go to the Bubel/Aiken Foundation. We hope that you will join us as we celebrate the holidays and continue our goal of Creating Awareness and Supporting Inclusion.

Tidbits 11-04-08

This was reported at today:

This is a sad day for Team Clay. No comments required.

Judge: Aiken book writer can pursue damages

RALEIGH, N.C. โ€” A North Carolina Court of Appeals ruling says the author of a book about Clay Aiken can seek compensation from an incident involving the "American Idol" singer's bodyguard.

In the ruling filed Tuesday, a judge said Jeannie Holleman had provided enough support for her claim for compensation.

At a fundraising event in Hawaii in 2005, Holleman says Aiken's bodyguard grabbed her and pulled her from a chair she was seated in next to Aiken.

Holleman wrote a book, "Out of the Blue ... Clay it Forward - How One Man & His Fans Are Changing The World." Holleman said Aiken's mother and family friends conspired against the book, calling it untrue and disparaging it on fan sites.

Isn't it great that Clay gets such great acceptance amongst some of the big names in the industry. The more connections he makes, the more his name is brought up the better chance he stands for a continued career, thanks Gayle.

Did anyone post Gayle King (Oprah's friend) mentioned on her XM radio show last Friday Clay sit down beside her at David Foster's birthday bash? She asked him to see pictures of Parker and of course he was delighted. She said he was a beaming dad (not sure exact adjective)...but very excited to talk about Parker. She said he had one picture of Parker made with his "Passport"....(how cute).

She said they were sitting at the table with Donald Trump and a lot of big name celebrities but I cannot for the life of me remember who else....

Gayle said she is a Clay Aiken fan and has him on her IPod...!!! Yea Gayle!!!

Rpoppert at the Clayboard says of her montage on YouTube:

I love seeing the smile on Clay's face. The sheer joy of when he is just happy. HE almost glows. This is a montage to highlight recent months, and just how happy Clay has been. I hope you enjoy!

I couldn't resist this since today is the big voting day. MorganRowan posted this at the Clayboard and I just love it and thought all should see it. Even though Clay voted about three weeks ago, it is still something I know he is sad about. Check out the photo and see why:

Spring Awakening

This is just a sample of all the wonderful photos of Clay along with the kids at Spring Awakening. Clay Aiken Visits "Spring Awakening" on Broadway, 11/03/2008 at The Eugene O'Neill Theatre on Broadway. Wouldn't it be nice if Clay became one of the headmasters in this play from Jan 6th through the 18th when Spring Awakening closes? Well, perhaps some have had enough drama with Broadway already, but after all it is Clay's career. I am just pleased that he visited the kids and had some wonderful photos taken. If you haven't heard of Spring Awakening, it is a play that has been kept from being produced for over 100 years because of its content. It is a story with the usual problems of kids, but has some dire consequences. It sounds like an excellent play and probably worth a look see while you are in NYC getting your last chance to see Clay in Spamalot.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Spamalot 11-02-08

A report for the 11-02-08 matinee from dancermom2 at the ClackHouse:

No matter how many times she sees it, she still laughs -- in 2nd row, so close she feels like she could touch Clay
Not Yet Dead -- the part where he asks about fighting and Lance says there's a lot of that and Clay says ... "Oh" ... then "Good" ... his voice dropped so low ... very funny
Camelot scene -- He looked at the girl in Blue and said "I want you"
Lots of Tongue action, esp. during the horse riding in "Grail" ...
she said can hear his "real" voice, not just the mic'ed voice and it's so neat
LOTL's gauntlet ... guy above Clay caught it right out of his hand, and Clay was "so up.set."
Merle (LOTL) is much better than opening night -- this time she def. held her own in the "Song That Goes Like This" with Galahad
Orchestra almost full (some empty far sides) & mezz full in middle -- can't see balcony


Good things was good to see Spam again. Merle has grown into her role so that I didn't miss Hannah tonight. In the guard scene he picked up leaves that had fallen on the stage and added them to his spear decorations. We got a wonderfully sung Amen. It was soft...and he did a scale....amen. It was almost like a lullaby amen. Rick and Tom and David are wonderful in the show and I am so glad they were all there today. During the Curtain Bright Side of Life...something was going on with Patsy's hat...and Rick was massaging his head...and then got it straightened out. It was funny! In the Wedding scene...Clay popped his top hat out. I have never noticed him doing that before!

Here is a report from Zippy888 at the Clayboard:


Waiting at the airport on our way home.

Nov 2 Matinee recap:
- Clay sang ""; he does it quietly as if in Church. He pauses, looks out over his glasses and then sings "Amen."
- In the finale no., Clay played with his top hat and somehow squished it and then popped his top hat with a loud pop!
- Clay's ears stuck out his helmet, with all the ribbons and floral arrangement.
- Clay bent down to pick up a branch with 3 leaves and started to play with it and stuck it in his helmet.

No stage door - Jerome came out to say that Clay was in rehearsals. He would not have come out anyway 'cos of some audience distractions. One of the distractions mentioned was the audience laughing inappropriately and/or knowing what the joke might be and laughing before the joke or funny part might be. Also, Jerome mentioned he didn't want us to lose the energy of the show. IMO, Randy Cohen was the substitute conductor for the evening show so the rehearsals may have happened 'cos of this change.

My observations from the show:
- There were 2 ladies that sat slightly off-centre orchestra on the left hand side in Row C. They were loud and laughing at almost anything during the show. I could see heads turning towards them during the show when they started to laugh 'cos we were sitting in Row D. During "I'm All Alone," when the knights come up and line up to sing with the King, one of the 2 ladies started to laugh for no rhyme or reason. It was a short loud laugh but I could see the eyes of the performers trained on her.
- There was also another lady who sat in front row who was singing and bouncing in her seat to almost every song during the performance.

Zippy888 is home now and has posted at the Clayboard:

My recap from Sunday, Nov 2 evening show:
- It was quiet during the show that evening. Not sure what the etiquette is any more. Did clap lots and gave Clay a standing ovation at the end.
- There were Monty Python fans behind us and they knew all the words to the different scenes in the show. They all laughed heartily at all the funny parts and especially loved Clay during YWSOB and Brave Sir Robin song.
- Clay sang church-like! It was sung quietly again.
- Even when Clay flipped the tunic and did the hula scene, it was deadly quiet.
- Clay braided the ribbons during the guard scene. Lots of laughter there.
- Clay waved at the crowd before the curtains came down.
- No Stage Door.

and a report from linluvsclay at the Clayboard, thanks:

...Quiana was outside the theater (first standing there alone, and then talking to fans and taking pictures once people realized it was her) during the time that Clay would have been doing the stage door thing. So they were not together during that time. Also during that time, Jerome was inside the threater talking to some people. I saw him as I was walking out--stopped to say hi--and man, he's tall!! I know we all know that, but it's not until you are standing right next to him that you realize just how tall he really is!! He's such an incredibly nice guy and is so willing to go above and beyond for the fans and for Clay.

Not much to say about the show--it's been recapped and recapped and recapped over these past few months and weeks so that there is really very little to add. Clay of course was great. It was wonderful to see the entire cast together again. I love the smiles between various cast members--when they are near each other, or when they glance at each other from across the stage. Just a kind of affectionate, "in" kind of smile if you know what I mean. Very nice to see the closeness between them and the trust, respect and just plain enjoyment of being together and performing.

Clay did do some new types of moves and I have no idea what to call them--don't even think they have an official name and probably have never been done by anyone else before!! I think they are just "Clay-isms"! Funky little moves, funky looks, lots of tongue movement (and he most certainly knows because it is so purposeful and he almost smirks as he does it). It's almost as if he's thinking "Ok, I know you want it so here it is. See? Told ya you wanted it". He did some John Travolta Saturday Night Fever disco moves last night and I almost lost it. I honestly never thought I would see Clay Aiken doing that "pose"--you know the one I mean--hand in the air, head turned to the side, etc. He did a few of those kinds of move. Hysterical.

He gets our hopes up with the ribbons...he toys with our emotions....he teases us by looking at them so fondly and then touches them so reverently. He began braiding them. Be still my heart. And then he stopped!! Braiding interruptus. So not fair!!

There are so many scenes in this show that I totally love. Besides every single one that Clay is in, I adore Patsy and the Laker girls. When he comes to center stage and does his thing, I crack up. Love, love it. Love how he moves, how he says the words. So very funny. And his facial expressions when the King sings "I'm all alone". David does not need words to act--he only needs his body and his face. He uses them so expertly--he's truly amazing.

And of course Tom--how I will miss him as Herbert when the show ends. He's another actor who does not need words--he does it all nonverbally. Astounding facial control and expressions.

I saw Bradley walking to the stage door before the show. A very, very attractive man. Gorgeous hair and no matter how many pictures I see of him, it always surprises me to see him without his wigs! Just don't expect to see dark, very curly hair!! But I would recognize that smile anywhere.

Rick--another great actor. Very talented and I hope he finds a great role when this ends. All of them so deserve to keep working--such talent should not be wasted.

Spamalot is the showcase for ensemble acting/performing. No one tries to outshine the other--they all work together to give the best possible performance and show for the audience. Egos are checked at the door and camaraderie is the name of the game. I will miss each and every one of them after Jan 18th. Do try and go one more time if you can. The cast and show is amazing.

And now a little treat for hanging in there till the end:

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Spamalot 11-01-08

SmittenwithClay at the Clayboard came up with the first report for the matinee:

I got a call from GrandmaJane
stagedoor!! mob of people, came out for the stagedoor!!
nice hair, white hoodie someone took pictures
The whole cast was back lots of enthusiasm, standing O, clapping during the last song

Here comes Zippy888 also at the Clayboard:

My recap from the Saturday matinee, Nov 1, 2008:

- The whole cast is now back together! What a show! Rick Holmes is now back. Yay!
- Launcelot said "Sorry?" instead of "What?" during the door scene.
- Clay swishes up his tabard when he's get excited about the announcement of "musical theatre!" and jumps up and down excitedly.
- YES!! Clay did STAGE DOOR!! He was wearing Roots Canada Sweatshirt and blue track pants (I think.) My mum got a picture with Clay. I took it and he even signed our MOAM CD Cover. What a guy! Clay forgot to give back the CD cover and my mum got distracted and he put it on my mum's head when her back was turned to him. If you don't know my mum, she's really short!! Stage Door was packed with people, about 3-4 rows deep.
- Yes, clayheaven and I have videos and a pic. Please wait for them.
- Clay was laughing so hard during the guard scene when he's on the floor; we can see him 'cos we were sitting in the front row. He was shaking with laughter on the floor. He was watching Launcelot and Herbert and Herbert's father up on the stairs.
- Clay did an interesting dance in the finale no. He did a stomp, lift the leg and do a half-twist, repeat on other leg. Repeat action. Very cute!
- Clay widened his eyes at us when he was singing "KOTRT" - we were dead centre, row A!!! First time ever!
- Got spat on by the King! Watch for it if you ever sit in the front row.
- The Knights of Ni did the Sarah Palin joke and also the lipstick on the pig.
- During the Tim the Enchanter scene, he said "Oh, Tim. What a silly name!" LOL I soiled my armour and I was so scared...." He then took his tabard and rubbed his bottom furiously. LOL

Also from Zippy888 at the Clayboard, here is Clayphan's matinee video:

Ms Marmalade at the ClackHouse gave this report:

butterflyshine at CV wrote:
Hello all! Amee (AJ30) and I just got back to our hotel from the matinee today. All I have to say is that it was amazing! All the original cast members were there...and yes that means that Rick is back!! The show was great today. Clay especially looked like he was having an amazing time up there. It was really great to see Rick though because the Knights who say Ni was just not the same without him. I mean don't get me wrong his fill ins were great but Rick is the best. All of the cast members seemed to be having a great time up there. I think when there is a larger crowd they seem to feed off of the audience more. Tom Deckman is so cute as well. I love the part when he gets so excited when Sir Lancelot comes to rescue him. Too Cute!! Very exciting news, there was a stage door but Clay was out there for no more than 30 seconds (or that's what it seemed like). He seemed very rushed. He was wearing his white Roots Canada shirt (which I really liked since I'm I said nice shirt but he didn't hear me. Amee (AJ30) got a picture with him and it's such a great picture of him. That was our first time seeing him so close and all I have to say is that he is DRAW DROPPING HOT in person. I mean I didn't think that he could get much cuter but he Well we are off to get food before the next show. So we will be back to recap some more from tonights show.

Nicki503 at the Clayboard reported that SecretlyLovesClay wrote:
From the Saturday matinee.............SO FUNNY!!!!!

I am surprised no one else mentioned this, but maybe they didn't "get" it is all of it......

During the Not Dead Yet scene, Lancelot is supposed to sing, "My name is Lancelot, I'm big and strong and hot......occassionally I do, some things that I should not." But instead he messed up and sang, "My name is Lancelot, I'm big and strong and hot.........I'm big and strong and hot..........and that's all I've got to say."

It was sooooooooooo funny!!! BUT THEN.............

During the Prince Herbert scene, when Herbert, Lancelot and the father are in the tower, Herbert climbs out the window and says his usual, "Hurry brave Sir Lancelot" and then the father and Lancelot talk about killing the wedding guests and then Herbert is supposed to say, "I am ready Sir Lancelot, just climb on over and ahhhhh" as he is falling, but instead he said, "I am ready Sir Lancelot, that's all I've got to saaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy" as he is falling. OMG, it was sooooooooo funny!!! I could not stop laughing!!! And then I noticed that while Clay was laying "dead," his tummy was going rapidly up and down and realized he was laughing hysterically and could not stop! He laughed throughout the entire rest of the scene!!! All the way up to where he has to get up and sing, "He's going to tell." He was STILL laughing while he was singing that - oh it was so funny!!!

Now on to the 8PM performance:

From Austenfan at the Clayboard, Saturday evening performance....

Those Pre-Marathon fireworks must have travelled over to the Shubert cause Clay and the entire cast were red hot on fire tonight...Yeehah....Jenny Hill replaced Merled Dandredge tonight. Jenny was terrific. Really funny. She did lots of her own original ad libs and with great scatting and lip purses. She actually got spontaneous applause during the Camelot lounge scene. Clay did not catch the armor....I actually prefer Jenny Hill to Merle. Tonight with the full cast back except for Merle and long time cast member Jenny Hill doing such an outstanding Lady Of The Lake - we got that everyone is on the same page, just having a blast kind of feeling. Just magical tonight.

Lots of cheers for the Tower and laughs on every phrase. Timing was perfect. Music except funny lines instead of notes. Incredible rhythm. Great extended double take by Clay on responding to the Kings 'I am looking for men' with I had a feeling. Audience laughed for ages. For Not Dead Fred, Rick (back yay!!!) swung his legs from side to side on the 'Scotch dancing' bit and Clay once again imitated his dance. Clay's chicken entrace got big cheers. Idol Of My Age got great cheers as well. Those piercingly high yodels blew the audience away.

When the Camelot ladies appeared Clay grabbed for the ladies' rear and came quite close to contact...The mace womand did their thing and Clay bent his knees and shook what his mama gave him, up and down and back and forth. Mama was very generous. The Cocktail Waitress gave Clay a kiss on the cheek and he stuck his tongue out...Love me some dancing tongue. Dice Lady wrapped her napkin/scarf behind Clay's neck and slowly moved it back around to Clay's chest. Dance of the Seven Veils part 1...Course with that strapping lad you might need seventeen veils.

When Grail Lady turned to give Clay his lantern he presented her with a lovely red flower. .So sweet...and she smiled demurely. Just she and the other Grail ladies left waving good bye, he pointed at her and smiled like crazy and she waved right to him...Then the Find Your Grail Sway...Clay leaned back with his legs a bit bent, his back far back and his arms way up in the air, one finger pointing. His head bobbing as he swayed in deep contemplation of his grail...Bend backwards and snap...Bend backwards and snap...

We once again got a start of tongue with slomo horse riding and then the tired/shaking from exhaustion of holding up those lovely thighs (understandable) but can always use more tongue. Little staccatto knee moves as he got lower and lower. Mild funky dance tonight with side to side hip moves more subtle. Much more hip and funky and Broadway would have exploded with coolness and that would have been a shame. So playing it cool tonight.

Can Can Lady kind of scraped and clawed at each of Clay's thinks there's a Can Can dancer whose trying to see some skin too...can't blame a Can Can girl for trying...Clay once again pulling his tabard forward, tighening the fabric grip on the back....trying not to let Can Can lady have anything to grab on to but I think that may have backfired into revealing more back end for her joy and amusement. Tights anyone? Tights on a tight end....

Soiling involved a scrunching of his tabard forward, trying to contain himself methinks (impossible Clay, just impossible - reavealing the nice shapely rear view all the more. Legs open, with one side sunk down. More holding the tabard forward and tight with Clay's arms, giving 'rear view emphasis'. And legs held together, with almost no knee bend as Clay swirled and twisted his derriere and legs in a nice slow dance of soil prevention.

For YWSOB, the new 'cutesy' dance with alternating kicks to the side and back. He lowers his voice to emphasize 'sh*tty' on 'they'll say it's sh*tty and refuse'. We got a Grande Piano Tunic Flip. Wooh...waistband and above once again. The Can Can girl wanted skin and she got it. To quote Christopher Sieber's 'Father' - Heh, heh, heh. YWSOB literally brought the house down....That house went so far down it hit Magma...The core of the Earth was exposed tonight, among other things. Maybe that explains the heat on that stage. NJU men and families were cheering and whooping. There was applause before he even started the Bottle Dance...the stomp was so stompin people erupted right then. Even more applause as Clay crossed his feet and turned and knelt down and that front leg went forward and he pulled the other leg over with pure thigh strength. Everybody went wild. Papa's in Israel could hear Clay shake the world with those high kicks....then kneeling down, hands over heart....glorious applause and then turning on a dime to serious, beseeching and concern for the King's benefit.

The Guards were quite wobbly again. Playing it all very clueless. Nice to see Guard 2 (David Hibbard smile and react more). Every line got a laugh. Clay almost doubled over into a question mark on his kooky laugh when he realized he was supposed to guard the Prince. "I thought you meant HIM (ponting at Guard 2). Cause it would indeed be daft to guard him when he's a guard. Another familiar, buddy slap at the Father until all knowing, but may not so much Guard gets back to serious business. He picked up the spear ribbon and swirled the end around just slightly...a tease... oh that teasing spear...then he picked up two ribbons and stretched them out and then he pulled them right up to and across his eyes as he examined those ribbons with such intensity. Or maybe Guard 1 needs glasses. Those eyes should never be covered up but in service of great comedy, I can handle a momentary lapse of ribbon coverage.

Clay's scrunched up pouty, squinty eyed looks had the audience guffawing so you'd think there was an earthquake. Props to Tom Deckman for some inspiringly funny faces as Herbert. Loved his saying 'I thought he meant me with such amazement after Father says 'Who are you?' and he answered I'm your son. Clay does that too...Clay's expressions are a story unto themselves.

West Side Story dances...oh we go the eye....flirty, come hither eyes. Mouth puckered, almost blowing little breaths on the audience...He got it...He got it.

Clay's deadpan 'Oh brother' look when Tim (Rick Holmes) did his 'B'low me....lies the cave' was absolute classic and went on for quite some laugh time. Brother Maynard was exquisitely, overly proper English Clergy. You could feel his nose pointing up in the air without even looking at him. Now for a completely different sung Amen - so reverent and sweet, like a formal church choir, lilting and beautiful and the Knights sung Amen in answer, not repeating the same melody, but in harmony to Clay. 'Get Your Hand Off My Knee' got a more quiet reaction as the audience was still enjoying 'Amen'.

A man was the peasant tonight. Clay held out his hand to shake but this peasant was too busy basking in 'Peasant' glory. As Clay put out his hand the peasant 'kissed' his Arthur award. Clay did a wonderful 'mifffed' look. To miss a handshake so peasant could kiss a foot...ooh....he di'int. Yes he did.

The white suit was most cooperative in its form fitting, brilliant and happily translucent quality. I just love a good tailor or better yet, a bad one. The finale dance had Clay and Patsy (David Hibbard) and Bedevere (Wally Dunn) doing this funky chicken arm moves while turning and stepping back, alternating each leg going back and round. Then a hip circles, thrusting forward in an area of interest. Round and round you go....Then they all leaped in the air with arms fully up. At Always Look On The Bright Side of Life, Clay turned back towards the dancer in back of him again and did kind of a sideways 'bump' with her. That dancing fool....And a circle round on one foot as they backed up off the stage. Audience on their feet at the end and just glowing. I did hear someone at intermission say 'He was really good (not sure who yet) and then ' He's much taller than I thought...who could she possibly mean? Hmmm....

Nice crowds for stagedoor today and lots of excitement. People still got pics and signatures despite the big crowd.

Tidbits 11-02-08

Rayosunshine45 at ABB said, "I got this post from returnofaiken at the OFC she said it can travel."

It was a normal Parent's Day weekend here at Hamilton College, where I'm currently a sophomore at, and, as I'm getting ready to go to a dry tech rehearsal for our play opening next week, I decide to grab some breakfast from the dining hall.

I walk inside, (grumpily, mind you, since my mother decided she'd outcast me and not take the 4 hour train trip up to see her only daughter.... ). Now, I had dressed comfortably since I had known that I would be stuck in the theater for eight hours, so I dressed in my black JNT2 shirt and sweats...I'm standing pouring some delicious hot apple cider and when I turn around, there's Glenn Close, right next to me!

I smile and say "Good morning!" and she smiles and compliments my shirt! Need I remind you that it was a Clay Aiken t-shirt? She then went on to say that she [her daughter, Annie] was 'excited' to see Clay in Spamalot, which they had tickets to later this month.

Every Parent's Day I completely forget that Annie, Glenn's daughter, comes to Hamilton. The same thing happened to me last year with
Stanley Tucci
, except, I was the stage manager for one of the shows his step-daughter was assistant stage managing in (and a really good friend of mine), and we had like an hour long conversation about the most oddest things.

Anyway, thought I'd just share that with you! Even A-listers like Glenn Close recognize the talent that is Clay Aiken!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Spamalot 10-31-08

To start that is a picture of the stage door which we haven't seen much of lately, but let's get an update on the stage door situation. Ms Marmalade posted this at the ClackHouse:

Clayphan at the OFC said she spoke to Jerome and that Clay had not been doing stage door because there was only one barricade. She said that now there were four so perhaps Clay will resume.

This is a report at the Clackhouse from zippy888 and posted by anncanada:

Hi everyone from NYC!!

Oh what a night!! Clay was full of animation tonight. He was watching the first few rows and he could see some of his fans. I'm sure at one time I caught his gaze. Be still my heart! Some things I remembered from tonight:

- Clay held his rubber chicken upside down! Yes, he held it from the skinny legs! That was a riot!
- He sang "Amen!" Such glorious notes!
- He showed us his socks when he came out to do his "I found my grail!" Of course, they were mismatched - his left one was white and bright green (like his suit) and his right one was beige and white. He did a little jig when he showed us his socks.
- He does a different kind of dance in one part of "YWSOB".
- He yelled, "Be careful!" to the girl who swung the mace.
- The waitress slid her hand down his left thigh. OMG!
- The can-can girl raised her skirt all the way up to his face and shook it furiously.
- Lots of tongue action in most of the scenes! I remember in the slo-mo part he puffed his cheeks a lot!
- When God appears, he's bent down on all fours, in a praying position but shivering from fear.
- He pulled at his ribbons while speaking to Prince Herbert's father. He was so on tonight!! Loved those ears that stuck out of his helmet! Truly comical!!
- Lots of NJUs in the crowd - could hear men laughing mostly.
- It wasn't full house - most of the sides of the theatre weren't filled. A friend also told me that the mezzanine too was not filled.
- No Stage Door tonight.
- Met dancerdad - I asked him to say "Hi!" to dancermom2 for me!
- Ruben and friends were in the box in the theatre.

Good morning

I remember more bits:

- Clay did that head grinding dance, you know the one that goes side by side, during Find Your Grail. I don't know the name of that move. He was really into it last night!
- The Knights of Ni didn't do any jokes like Rick Holmes always does. Miss that.

I think there was no SD 'cos Ruben and friends were there as well it was Halloween and most of the performers were coming out of the SD wearing a costume. So they were probably on their way to Halloween parties. ***ETA: To clarify, the barricades were all up last night. There are 2 new ones that are painted blue (for those who know what I'm talking about.)

If you are able to stand, please give a standing O to the cast when they take their bows. It's our way to say thanks for a job well done!

Thanks to Ms Marmalade at the ClackHouse we get a report from BFS:

From BFS:

recap from the train...
theater not full at all due to big parade for Hallowen

I was the first to see Ruben, he was talking to Jerome outside the theater. i saw his beautiful smile and started hop skipping going omg Ruben is here....i am sure it was a sight. i was so excited, i didn't see Frenchy and had to be told she was there. i saw her later in the box and she looked really good. I didn't want to stare, so it is totally possible, that Ruben's wife was there, he had two other's with him.

Rick and Bradely Dean were out tonight.

first things first he sang the amen

i am loving the exchange with king, it is much more snarky and sarcastic.

during not dead he was verra adamant about "i can't" with some very cute expressions.

and when he did "maybe" there was some verra cute tongue action

and he mimiced the jig that Lance did

when he came out as Sir Robin, he was holding the chicken by his feet

Patsy was clapping during "Idol of Age"

LOL hit Clay when she passed Clay and he tried to get to close

he did the pray and quake

verra flirtatious with his flame holder girl.

peace sign during find your grail

he was trying not to get sick on his horse

saw a wee bit of skin during the tunic flip

no tongue during bottle dance, but Clay was awesome

ears out of helmet during Guard scene he fluffed them in the beginnig and was playing with them right before he was killed

the father and lance flubbed their lines during you killed the brides father, and rather badly

the show was a bit lacking with both Rick and Brad out...Clay was good, but he couldn't make up for the so-so performance of the others.

we had barricades so not sure why it didn't happen.

Few more tidbits from the show...

The peasant was a NJU named Mike...Mike was pretty cute on stage, Clay held out his hand and started to make the face, when Mike turned to him and offered his hand, Clay shook it.. After Mike left the stage, Clay gave him several thumbs up....

and during the wedding scene...Bevedere and Patsy did a Frankenstein dance, Clay just kinda did his own thing...

During Bright Side of Life Clay did Charleston knees and a real cute dance with one of the chorus line dancers, i am not sure how to describe it, but it was really cute.

I thought that the King who has a tendency to be a bit mush mouth was really good tonight

And LOL of the Lake was fabulous...she did drop it like it was hot...during her ad lib portion

Unfortunately Rick's replacement doesn't come close to holding a candle to Rick, so for me, someone who has seen it coughafewtimescough, it did make a difference, to the NJU probably not except for the rather large flub at Swamp Castle the pauses were noticeable...oh was still fun, and it was nice to see the show again after not having seen it for awhile...

Halloweens Past

Thanks to twelvesomething at the ClackHouse, we have some of Salamander's renditions of Clay's possible Halloween costumes for the past few years. I can just see these on Clay too, wonder what he and Parker were this year?

Let's start with 2005 and work our way up:

Or, is this better?

Let's move on to 2006 a very interesting year:

Or perhaps a little Austen Powers action:

Still no, well let's try his looks for 2007:

A little Elvis trying to be Clay or is it Clay being Elvis?

He has so many looks, I'm thinking a little London action, perhaps a visit to Hannah:

How about on to 2008, thanks to morganette at the ClackHouse:

Thanks again to twelvesomething for bringing these back out of the archives so we could talk a walk down memory lane one more time, and to morganette for giving up Clay for 2008 and look, he is eating my favorite Halloween treat! If anyone has any other renditions they would like to submit for any holiday, just add them to your Clay board of choice and I will be sure to use them, LOL.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Spamalot 10-30-08

HCorbett10 at the Clayboard brought over siclayfan report from the CV:

Brief Spam recap-- I've been having trouble getting on the internet here at the hotel, but I'll try to post before trying to catch up on the board.

The show and Clay were of course great. Rick was the only one out again this evening. Mostly NJU again, very few fans though there were some screams for him at the end. Sadly he spoke the AMEN again tonight and just as sadly, no SD. There was only one row of people at the SD and I should have known he wouldn't come out since we were right in the middle. I had a good view inside the theater when the stage door opened and I could see Jerome standing a few feet from the door for several minutes, so I really thought there was hope. Then he wasn't there anymore and my friend said she thought she saw an SUV pulling away from the curb. We waited several minutes longer, but we pretty much knew it wasn't happening. I just hope he didn't do the SD because he had somewhere to go and not because of a couple of people standing right in front of him in Row A during his final bows--the usual suspects!!! One of them was jumping, dancing and waving her hands at him. I swear I think he was trying to avoid smiling or looking at them. At least DD didn't have another wasted trip.

The theater was pretty empty compared to my visits during his first round. There were certainly some people in the mezz, but it didn't look like many--less than yesterday. It's such a great show I hate to see it close, but I guess it's the sign of the times.

That's all folks, not a very busy night.

Tidbits 10-31-08

In a recent interview with ET's Jann Carl, "American Idol" runner-up Clay Aiken opened up on Jennifer Hudson's recent family tragedy.

"There's no words that you can find to give somebody like that. I don't even know where to begin, I've been upset by this myself," Clay said

Clay also knows that the Hudson family loss has been felt all over the country. "I know the whole country's thoughts and prayers are with her and her entire extend family ... and anyone who was touched by her mother, or her brother, or her nephew."

The new dad also tells Jann that he hopes that individuals responsible are found so that Jennifer and her loved ones can find some closure.


For those that like polls, this one goes through December and you only get to vote once. Check it out at the top and scroll down on the right side.

Just a little political banter here from The National Republic:

So what season of "Idol" will this election resemble? Will Barack Obama trounce his opponent John McCain like Fantasia? Or will it be an unlikely nail biter like the Ruben Studdard-Clay Aiken showdown? If it's a close election, there is one insight that our electoral system should borrow from "Idol." However thin the margin, the outcome should never, ever rest in the hand of judges.


2old4Clay at CV wrote, (posted at the CH by Ms Marmalade:
A side note, my son listens to Howard Stern, and he said that Howard mentioned he was at the Friar's roast, and ended up in the elevator with Clay Aiken and a woman that was the mother of his baby. They said hello and shook hands, Howard said he felt a bit uncomfortable (?), but that he is happy for Clay that he came out of the closet...and wishes him well. Paraphrasing what my son told me, he didn't think his comments were bad about Clay. If anyone else has a different take on this, please correct me.

Continuing, posted by AnnCanada at the CH:

Well, Stern deserves to feel uncomfortable in front of Clay and Jaymes for his past comments about Clay. Clay, as always, is a dignified and magnanimous being in the presence of scum (and accepted Stern's handshake). I would have expected no less of Clay. He is an absolute gentleman and gentle man. I won't ever be forgivin' Stern until he apologizes profusely to Clay for his past ugly behaviour.


Posted by DesertFlower at the CH:

From the Public Access Forum, posted by RIClayFan.

This guy is using Clay's name to sell books.

I've reported him to Ebay, but a few more won't hurt. Thanks.

Here's the violation

Using brand, product or celebrity names inappropriately throughout a listing, such as comparing an item to another brand named itemโ€™s style or calling out an indirect relationship between the item being sold and a celebrity. See Additional Information for exceptions. (Brand Name Misuse)

Continuing, RVzLady posted at the CH:

Well, the item disappeared, so I guess enough of us reported that made eBay take fast action.


Okay, this is not meant to be political and in no way is meant to represent the feelings of Clay's Daily Double, Clay Aiken, or any of the Clay fans. However it is getting so many hits (359,220) and so many wonderful remarks for Clay I thought I would include it so that you can add your comments, of course, about the beautiful song "Something About Us" that Clay is singing. The video is called "An Obama Love Song" made by Hotshortie and placed on YouTube on June 06, 2008. If someone has a comparable video for Mr. McCain I will be happy to add it here.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween Surprise

Oh my goodness what a way to start Halloween. Thanks to Yollie950 and his video at YouTube. Love it, you are so talented, but then you have such an excellent subject.

Spamalot 10-29-08 Recaps

First before you read the recaps, this is the reason there was no stage door last night:

There was a special dinner held at the Bon Appetit Club to honor David Foster. Clay was again amongst the "A" listers, Dr. Phil, Donald Trump, Peter Cincotti along with others. This is one of the photos.

When all hope was lost of getting any reports from Spamalot last night, finally the reports started flowing in. Clayshines at the Clayboard posted:

Actually, NY4Clay was there with her daughter and she just phoned with a report.

She said the show was FABULOUS as usual. Tom was back and got quite a cheer when he appeared as Not Dead Yet Fred. It was mainly an audience of NJUs, a lot of men who were totally enjoying themselves. There was a standing ovation.

Clay was playing a little with the ribbons in the guard scene but did not sing the Amen. Actually he just said the word AMEN.

They were in the second row so her daughter could really see Clay's face and was very impressed with how his facial expressions have developed.

She echoed what Dancerdad had said about SD. They chatted with the king and some of the dancers and Tom but no Clay.

HCorbett10 at the Clayboard reported these recaps from CV: From Njrp4clay

I just got home from Spam. When we went to pickup our tickets we saw a film crew come out of the SD. Don't have a clue why they were there though . Our seats were in the second row with 2 empty seats in front of us. Clay was great. He was dancing around alot. My DH said Clay looked at him and seem to recognize him. (Clay scopes the first few rows). He had tongue action going tonight. Almost every scene the tongue was appearing. During the finale Clay was having a problem with a piece of hair from the wig. I think it was tickling his nose. He finally pulled it out looked at it then blew it away. I was glad to see Tom back and I liked the king. I thought he had a very nice voice.

After the show I was standing next to this guy with a big camera. I asked him if he was dancerdad and he said yes. Jerome came from 44th st and went in the stage door then came out with a computer bag and that was the last we saw of him. He didn't speak to anyone. Shubert guy just stood there then all of a sudden pulled the one barrier away and told us Clay had left already. It was strange that Jerome didn't tell us there would be no SD. However, Jerome was dressed up. Maybe they had some place to go.

ETA: I think he flicked the hair away then watched it for a few second as it floated to the ground. Every one else was singing but him.

From lindylo

There was a short promo on ETalk Canada tonight about David Foster. I think they said that he had a lot going on in NYC this week re his book launch and they would have coverage tomorrow. I wasn't really paying attention until I heard his name so I could have missed something. Maybe Clay was attending something for this tonight and that is why he left quickly and Jerome was dressed up.

From SiClayfan

I don't know if this post will go through--I have really poor internet access here at the hotel. My friend and I were in the 2d row too--great seats. Clay did lots of tongue action, though not much during YCSOB. It was cute how during the curtain call he kept trying to grab the single hair from his wig hanging in his face --he finally got it and pulled it out. He didn't lift his pants to show us his socks, but he put his left foot out during the finale and we could see stripes. I was a little disappointed he just said the AMEN--was looking forward to his singing it--maybe tomorrow night. He didn't seem to have any problem with his dancing, so hope he is all better.

It was definitely a NJU crowd, but everyone seemed to enjoy the show. I'm so glad Tom is back--the last show I saw was without him and he is such an important part of show. I read Rick was back from his trip to Italy so I hoped he'd be back in the show, but not tonight. The king is growing on me, but I still liked Jonathan interpretation better. LOTL has a magnificent voice and she's grown into the role since I saw her opening weekend, but she's still no Hannah!!

Tidbits 10-30-08

Don't forget to set you clocks back one hour before you go to bed on Saturday night or you will be way early for church on Sunday morning. Yes, it is that time of year for those that are affected by the time changes, enjoy the extra hours sleep it will do you good

According to the Los Angeles Times today in their article about where in the world stars would like to go if they could get away, Clay was among four stars whose photos were used.

Former American Idol finalist Clay Aiken names Afghanistan among his favorite places.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

FCA needs some help

Couch Tomato is requesting help with FCA, check this out:

Hi Everybody,
I started FCA way back in 2003 when my bookmarks were getting out of control and I couldn't keep up with the exploding Clay Nation. I still love FCA as much as ever but honestly I've let it go. Today I make a new committment to it however, the 20 hours a week I used to spend on it are gone (I have 2 jobs and work about 60 hours a week for starters) and I need help.

The reason Ansa redid the site to Joomla is because allows us to give folks access to help us. We've not really taken advantage of that. Now I want to try to utilize that better. So starting tonight I plan to use 1 hour per day to get the site up to speed.

If you have 1 hour a week or 30 minutes a week or 10 minutes a day to help us out it will be appreciated. It's not even about what's there but we even want fresh ideas - well after things gets going and updated.

SO.... I created this forum here to have an active place to just know if we can get any help and to see who is doing what. Again, no pressure. 30 minutes a week is better than 0 hours a week.

I just love my baby (FCA) and would like to make it all shiney again, with your help.

I will create threads as I go through the site page by page to figure out what needs to be done. This thread can be used for any ideas...whether you'd like to implement them or not.
In case you don't know... here it is...

After this gets organized a bit ..we can extend to FCAM

You do not need to be a technology genius to work on FCA. If I can do it, anyone can. And if you can write on a message board you are qualiied.


Thanks in advance

Tidbits 10-29-08

Lowrider at the ClackHouse reported that there was a Clay mention on the Tyra show yesterday:

Dazzlingstar at OFC is reporting that Tyra was talking to T.I. (rapper) and she said I was talking to my friend Clay Aiken, and hear that a lot of people can vote, but don't know that they can, and then they showed a picture of him from the AMA's....he is right...check out some of the sites to see if you are registered....use your voice, vote...

I agree that we should all vote, but I also vote that Clay should be back with his girlfriend Tyra and real soon, LOL.

Ms Marmalade from the ClackHouse posted the quote from Hosaa at Clayversity that: (news travels ;-)

A friend e-mailed TBAF to get an update on when the Christmas book "Remember When" would be available for sale. Here's what Aron said:

We are working on the final arrangements. It should be up on the website in the next week or two.

Thank you!

Aron Hall
Director Services

Per CNET, Dolly Parton wrote a letter to stop the upcoming Federal Communications Commission vote on opening up "white space" spectrum hope. Parton wrote in her letter.

"I can unequivocally confirm that the importance of clear, consistent wireless microphone broadcasts simply cannot be overstated. This industry relies on wireless technology and is in jeopardy of being irreversibly devastated by the commission's pending decision."

Among those that signed the letter that Dolly wrote was Clay Aiken. The vote is in a week so we shall wait and see what happens with this one. Their opposition includes Bill Gates, LOL, gee that is some big competition.

This is in no way an indication of CDD's taking sides, we are just reporting Clay's participation in this effort.

Our poll for the next Clay Aiken tour has closed and the results are:

Jukebox Tour 146 (42%)

Christmas Tour (music) 24 (6%)

SRHP w/orchestra 26 (7%) (OMWH w/orchestra)

SRHP w/band 112 (32%) (OMWH w/band)

Christmas Tour w/vignettes 2 (0%)

Independent Tour 37 (10%)

Votes: 347

Thank you for your votes, let's see if the word gets to Clay and what he has in mind.

Spamalot 10-28-08

Photo borrowed from a previous nights stage door.

This is a great review by Crazyglue91152 on the Clayboard, very insightful in more ways than one, please read:

Superstar and love of my life!
Reply Quote MoreRecent Posts Message Friend Blocking Invite Ignore User's Posts Last night was so exciting for me, clayngel, grandmajoan and other claymates in attendance not only because of Clay's fantastic and funny performance as usual but because of the presence of his new family and friend Kelly Clarkson. Yes, I said new family which includes of course his son Parker, mom Jaymes, Uncle David, Jerome and his wife. During the intermission while I was talking to clayngel who told me that KC and David Foster were there in the audience, Jerome who was then talking to his wife saw me and introduced me to her. She's so nice and sweet. On my way back to my seat, walking on the 2nd aisle, Kelly was right in front of me and she's talking to a guy and telling him that her favorite song was the one sang during the boat scene (Galahad & LOTL). During the finale, I also said hello and spoke for few seconds to David while walking backup on the aisle to his row as we were both standing and clapping and singing and dancing along to the finale song "Always look on the bright side of life". He was all smiles and told me that he really enjoyed the show and that it was hilarious and Clay was fantastic.

There was no SD as it was cold and windy and the fact that Clay was attending to his special guests and family but clayngel and I stood and waited at the closed left entrance door of the theatre where the mdse store is. While clayngel was talking on the phone with someone, my eyes were fixed on the 2 black vans and a black car parked in front of the 44th St. exit door. Then the Shubert Security man came out, then a guy and a gal and Kelly who hugged Jerome before going into the first van and they're gone. Then Jerome opened the side door of the second van and took out a car seat....and I was screaming silently and excitingly told clayngel that omg, omg, Jerome got the car seat out of the van....a car seat.....Parker is here....Parker is here....Parker is here with his Dad.....omg, Then the Shubert security man came out again, followed by Jaymes and David who went into David's car. Then Jerome's wife came out and went inside the second van first, then was given the car seat with Parker all covered up by Jerome and finally, Clay joined in while Jerome walked around the van to his seat beside the driver who moved the van forward right in front of where clayngel and I were standing as he waited for David's car to pass first. I waved shyly and mouthed goodnight to Clay and family and wished them all well and a great evening. Indeed, it was a great and memorable evening! What a night!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Deck the Halls 4 Inclusion

Triad Voices for Inclusion , a Beta Alpha of The Bubel/Aiken Foundation, is proud to introduce " Deck the Halls 4 Inclusion " a holiday fundraiser in conjunction with Rockdale Wreaths, a Maine company which produces beautiful, handmade, natural wreaths. This year, as you begin to decorate your homes and offices for the holiday season, and prepare to exchange gifts with family and friends, we'd like to invite you to help The Bubel/Aiken Foundation provide an additional gift: the gift of a more inclusive life experience to children with and without disabilities across the nation.

For each individual wreath purchased through "Deck the Halls 4 Inclusion" the Bubel/Aiken Foundation will receive $9. Bulk orders, 8-10 wreaths shipped to any one address, not only saves you $5 per wreath on the purchase price, but also benefit the Foundation even more, bringing $13 per wreath. All prices, both here and on the website already include shipping built into the price. If you are placing a bulk order and have a Beta Alpha affiliation, please let us know and we will make sure the additional $4 per wreath donation is credited to the Beta Alpha of your choice. Please note: if you place a bulk order online with Rockdale please email us the details of your order-name on order and Beta Alpha affiliation-so that we can ensure that you receive Beta Alpha credit. The deadline for ordering wreaths is Monday November 10, 2008 . You can see all of the wreaths, and a few bonus items, at our Rockdale store at the link below or on our website. When ordering directly from Rockdale at the store they have established for us online, please be sure to use the following link to ensure TBAF receives funds:

Price List: Includes tax & shipping charges already. TBAF receives $9 per wreath, $13 per wreath for bulk orders with 8 or more wreaths shipping to any one address.

A. Deluxe $49.25
B. White Wreath $39.95
C. Classic $34.95
D. Country Charms $39.95
E. Blue Wreath $39.95

Bulk Orders (8 to a box):

A. Deluxe $44.25
B. White Wreath $34.95
C. Classic $29.95
D. Country Charms $34.95
E. Blue Wreath $34.95

Check out the Clayboard for ordering instructions so that your Beta Alpha, or a Beta Alpha group gets credit for your purchases. Check out wreaths at Rockdale Wreaths Online

More Sims

MsMuffins31 has done it again, and made a few more Clay Sims, she is all too clever.

Clay getting ready for one of his favorite snacks:

Yummy! Peach Ice Cream with all the fixings:

Gotta work off those calories, Oops!

It would be so much fun playing a game on your computer with all these great Clay Sims. WTG MsMuffins31

Tidbits 10-28-08

This is a video that was posted at the Clayboard by smittenwithclay and is one of the best promos I have seen for Spamalot that includes Clay. I can watch it time ad time again and hope you enjoy it as well.

Monday, October 27, 2008

For your viewing pleasure

Annieq and Kathy were taking a tour of NYC and found one of the buses. I think it is neat because it is different than the one during his first tour of Spamalot. I think we could use a bus 1 and bus 2 pin for our collections, LOL.

Here is another great video placed on YouTube by suereu:

Wrapping for Inclusion

It is that time again for everyone that can to get involved in Wrapping for Inclusion this year. Their goal is $120,000 which is obtainable if we all get out there and try.

Please check out the information for Wrapping for Inclusion at the Bubel/Aiken Foundation page.

WFI - The Facts

What: A nationwide awareness and fundraiser campaign through The Bubel/Aiken Foundation.

When: The Holiday Season

Why: To help raise awareness and funds for The Bubel/Aiken Foundation, spread holiday cheer, and have fun!

How: If you would like to volunteer, please send your contact info to .

There are usually State Coordinators and Team Leaders in each state, so please check it out. I am sure they need plenty of wrappers, and some states need Coordinaters and cities need team leaders. Step up to the plate, those children are counting on us to help.

Spamalot 10-26-08 PM Show

There wasn't any stage door, and Clay did not perform at the matinee, but we do have a few recaps of the evening performance to share, but first a photo from another day for your viewing pleasure:

Intermission report from Scarlett

Clay is frisky and showing off that he is fine
Danced a bit at Lance's Scottish army
When they did "Sing and dance" - kicked again, kicked pretty high
At the sart of Camelot scene Clay reached for the top of the fgirl in white's panties, close but no cigar
The girl serving drinks reached under his tabard between his legs
Once again, Clay did a very enthusiastic "Quail" wth both arms in the air and louldy and clearly saying it

When the knights were "riding" looking forthe grail, CLay had lots if tongue, deep knee bends and very funny faces
He had a "look at me, I'm cute" smile afterwards
The can can dancer attacked Clay with her skirt to his cheek, yes, the upper ones
At the taunter's castle, on the burn your "bottoms burners", Clay slowly reached back and pinched his own behind
There are more clay fans today than yesterday and there is more energy on stage and in the audience. Although, the "Idol of the age" did not get drowned out.

From Marilyn from the CV, reported on the Clayboard by HCorbett10:

Today I went into the city to meet some friends that came in from Canada and the Midwest to see Clay. I was not intending to go to the show at all, but one of my friends had an extra ticket and I found myself watching that tower window for the beloved face. Clay was so animated tonight-he seemed to put more into everything. Like when he said "The Quail" he raised his arms up in the air and said it almost reverently. I just love his expressions on "Brave Sir Robin". He was a tad tentative on the dancing in the "Not Dead Yet" scene, but if you hadn't seen the show a few times (heh) you would not have realized it.
I love the way the new king dances before they indoctrinate "Dennis" as a knight. A little more energy than the first king. Clay was so funny doing the slo mo- to me he almost looked like he was trying not to throw up. I have yet to watch to see what any of the other horse riders do!!! Just cannot take my eyes of Clay. He also did that cool hip side to side head roll (I wish I knew what it was called) I really love when he does that.
When it was time for YWSOB I held my breath-but he did the WHOLE thing and was just great- the crossed eyes and the protruding tongue- hilarious.
The Knight of Ni asked how many Sarah Palin's it takes to screw in a light bulb-I think the answer was one-it's the one thing she can do completely (not sure the exact way he said it)

And Brother Maynard SANG the "Amen" LOOOOVED it!!

In the finale, Clay tried to do a little dance with Patsy and Bedevere but threw his hands up in the air and just did his own thing. At curtain call, Patsy got VERY loud cheers, and I think Clay beat the LOL this time. By the way, I think she is getting into the role a little more- her "Find your Grail" was a lot funnier than the last time I saw it. But she has a fantastic voice.
Also at curtain call, Clay lifted the tails of his tux and sort of wiggled his rear at the dancer behind him- hilarious! And he picked up some of the confetti and held it in his hands, and at the last note he blew it from his hand into the orchestra pit. He also lifted both pants legs as he backed up and showed the audience his striped socks!! Unfortunately, I couldn't see because everyone was standing up, but my friend in the first row told me. She also said he was sort of favoring his right foot at the end, and she thought he looked like he was in some pain. It was hard to tell if he had an air cast on during the show, but he certainly didn't at the finale!

When we came out we knew by the rain that Clay would not be doing stage door. I am just glad that my friends got to see him. One of them was leaving at 4 a.m. this morning to go back to Florida, so she was ecstatic that he appeared.

Clay is SUCH a trouper- I hope he rests that poor ankle tonight and didn't overdo it. I give him kudo's for THE SHOW MUST GO ON!! You go, Clay!! Luv Ya!!

ETA: There was a young girl in her late teens, early twenties next to me, and she was laughing at everything Clay did-in fact, she was hysterical when he did Brother Maynard. I also heard some guy behind me going - THATS Clay Aiken, and he was laughing a lot, too!

From ClayPhan:

I don't even think that "absolutely incredible" begins to cover it!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! It was like he was never injured at all. He did a little dance thing in the "NDY" scene when he says, "So, it's not just dressing up and dancing?" In "KOTRT" the LOTL threw her armor towards him. He missed it and the knight standing above him grabbed it then held it over Clay's head and kept teasing him with it. He poked one of the girl's butt's too. Then, in the same number when the waitress comes out, she went to go grab him....I'm thinking his stomach....but, she almost grabbed something else, and instead grabbed further down his leg. He totally aced "YWSOB"!!!! When the "naughty girl in nasty tights" came back out, he gave her rear a little slap. For the final number, Clay started the dance with Patsy and Bedevere, but then threw his hands up and did his own thing. He was sooooooooooooo animated tonight!!!!!!!!! No sd, but I'm just overly happy that he was even there!!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Recaps of Spamalot 10-25-08

Photo from Oct 21 stage door for your viewing pleasure.

This is a wonderful recap by anntherese54 from the Clayboard:

Saturday, October 25th, Evening Spamalot Performance

It was a crazy day, but I had a wonderful time last night at Spamalot in spite of the rain, the change in plans and the uncertainty of whether or not Clay would perform in the evening.

I enjoyed the show immensely. From the very first note of the music, I'm pretty sure I sat there with a big ****-eating grin on my face for the entire show. Tom, Rick and Wally Dunn (Belvedere) were out. I thought that the replacements did a good job (especially Rick and Wally's). I missed Tom, though. He is so exceptional in the role. His replacement had a great voice and was good, but Tom is just so amazing. However, the fact that there were so many replacements made the show fresh and new for me which I really enjoyed. I have a nephew who is in theater and I know he's had shows where he is the understudy. I know how happy he is when he gets a chance to perform because that's what he loves to do. So, I was able to enjoy and applaud the moments for the other cast members to get their chance to perform on Broadway.

Merle Dandridge was absolutely stunning. Her voice is amazing. Seeing her up close was a treat. She killed on her "Diva's Lament". What a voice!

My heart will always belong to Patsy. David Hibbard continues to play his part to perfection. His "Bright Side" and "I'm All Alone" numbers are my favorites in the show (along with Clay's YWSOB).

Clay was wonderful. I saw no evidence of his injury hindering him in any way. He danced, skipped, jumped, kicked and did all the usual choreography. I did not see any evidence of an air cast or brace. In fact, at the curtain call, as he backed up behind the curtain, he lifted both his pant legs and revealed his mismatched striped socks. No brace or cast was noted.

Here's where my recollections get really random:

-At the end, when the confetti streams down, Clay caught some of the yellow and white confetti pieces. Then, when he bowed, he opened his hand and blew the confetti pieces into the audience. It was cute!

-Also, during the curtain call, at one point, he stood on one leg and had his other leg bent and elevated and he turned and twisted on the one leg. I don't know which leg it was, and if it was his good leg or injured leg. But, he was moving very loosely and freely.

-When he came out to do the "I, too, have found my grail!" part at the end, he did a little Charleston dance where his knees came together and then spread apart with his hands crossing over his knees back and forth. Also very cute!

-He was glowing. He seemed happy and relaxed. If he was in pain, the guy's a damn good actor because none of it was observable on stage.

-When the LOTL came out dressed in her armor during the Camelot scene, as she walked out, she whacked Clay in his lower abdomen with her arm. LOL. It was really funny.

-The face Clay makes during the bottle dance is hysterical. No tongue going from side to side, but his eyes were crosseyed and just had this comical look on them the whole time. Very funny!

-The peasant was a young guy who was a lot of fun (seat C101). He got lots of cheers from the audience. Clay tried to shake his hand, but the guy did not even notice and did not shake it, so of course, Clay stood there looking crestfallen.

-Clay sang the most beautiful "Amen" during his Brother Maynard scene. I hope he keeps that part in that scene because it's another opportunity for him to showcase his gorgeous voice.

-The guard scene. It was the first time I saw Clay with his ears sticking outside his helmet and he looked hysterical. He reminded me of a young Red Skelton, who was a master of making people laugh just through his facial expressions and body language and his ability to be just plain silly. While standing guard after the king goes back into the castle, Clay began playing with the ribbons on his spear. He didn't do that when I last saw the show in September. It was great. He was totally distracted by the ribbons (feeling them, smelling them, looking at them intently) when Lancelot came out and killed him.

-Run Away scene. When the king and the knights were running in place for the "Run Away" song, one of the French can-can girls came up to him and rubbed her skirt in his face...a lot! lol. It was very funny.

-In the slow-mo horse riding scene, Clay made faces like he was going to barf. Again, very different facial expressions than he did the last time I saw the show, and it was fun to see all the little changes in his character portrayal.

-It was raining after the show, and Jerome came out pretty quickly to say that Clay was not coming out.

I stopped in a small cafe yesterday and bought some lemon tea to get out of the rain for a bit. The quote on my teabag reminded me of Clay, Spamalot, and my day's adventure:

"On with the dance, let joy be unconfined..." (-Mark Twain)

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