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Saturday, June 18, 2005
Clay in August Issue of BREAK Magazine
From the CB via TTC:
BREAK! is a magazine from the NCCA collegiate community. The August 2005 issue features the results of our recent "Favorite American Idol" poll. There were 4 finalists and all were close in the number of votes they received.
There are also other stories related to American Idol contestants, including Clay Aiken. See the synopsis below. There is also a link below where you can see an image of the front cover.
A year ago the NCCA published a Collegiate Standard Farewell Commemorative to Clay Aiken which many Clay fans outside the NCCA community enjoyed. They purchased it after an extra printing of that companion volume was ordered. BREAK! is not a magazine that can be purchased in any store or outlet although some NCCA members may offer their private copies for sale on eBay when it comes available. The NCCA is offering it to interested Clay fans at $4.99 plus $2.50 shipping and handling.
If there is sufficient interest outside the NCCA community for this issue of BREAK! as there was for the Clay College Life Commemorative, then an additional printing to accomodate those outside of the NCCA will be ordered.
There is currently a thumbnail of the BREAK! cover at where you can place your advance order. If there are not enough orders placed to warrant an extra printing, then all orders will be refunded in the manner and sequence in which they were placed.
All of the information required to place your order is at We would like for you to indicate which idol is your favorite in the notes/comments section when placing your order but this is optional.
If you have any questions, please don't contact our offices, but email your questions to and i will do my best to reply as soon as I can get to them. Thanks.
Sarah Coe
BREAK! Magazine
Collegiate Standard
*IMPORTANT NOTE: We also plan to contact the fans of the other four American Idol contestants featured in BREAK! with the same opportunity for them to have copies. We don't anticipate running out of copies in the extra printing, but all advance orders will be fulfilled in the order and time they are placed. If it should occur that all copies of the extra printing of this BREAK! should sell out, then anyone who was not able to get their copy wil be promptly refunded.
CONTENT SYNOPSIS of August issue of BREAK!:
"Favorite American Idol": Clay is featured prominently on the cover as one of the four finalists and in a feature inside, plus a in a preview of his upcoming summer tour.
"Idols Undercovered"- A BREAK! exclusive, described as "revealing", that uncovers the real personality that contradicts the public image of some AI contestants. Includes rumor and gossip from those associated with AI contestants.
"Claymate vs Ghetto Betty": Two AI fans argue why their man is the real #1 American Idol. (Warning: There is no obscenity or explicit profanity in this feature but some of the material is of a mature nature)
Previews of 16 tours and festivals including a preview of Clay's Jukebox Tour.
Also, entertainment columns and events in the NCCA domain.BREAK! Aug 2005 Front Cover
The cover can been seen HERE
Fanclub Launch Date Announced
The Clay Aiken Fanclub has announced it will officially open its door on June 28th, 2005!
Friday, June 17, 2005
Clay mentioned in AP wire story on Bo Bice
In the May 25 finale, the long-haired rocker failed to bring in as many votes as Underwood, who won over audiences with her country charm. But runners-up on the Fox show have done well in the past - most notably Clay Aiken.
New People's Magazine Outtakes
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Clay in the Toronto Star
There's a little blurb about Clay's concert in the Summer Events magazine, "Do It" in today's Toronto Star. It just reads: "August 25: Clay Aiken at Molson Amphitheatre."
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Clay mention in Tsunami "Update" Press Release
PROFNET EXPERTS ROUND-UP: Six-Month Anniversary of Asian Tsunami
Wednesday June 15, 2:09 pm ET
June 15, 2005
Following are experts who can discuss the six-month anniversary (June 26) of the tsunami that devastated many parts of Asia last December, including the progress of recovery efforts, major challenges remaining and what we've learned that may be helpful in dealing with similar catastrophes in the future:
**1. CLAY AIKEN, internationally known multi-platinum recording artist, became a national ambassador for the U.S. FUND FOR UNICEF. A budding philanthropist and long-time education advocate, Aiken uses his ambassador status to help ensure that children everywhere are afforded a primary education. He visited Aceh the week of March 14, 2005, on his first UNICEF field mission. During the trip, Aiken visited primary-school students in the tsunami-ravaged province in northern Sumatra. News Contact: Kini C. Schoop, Phone: +1-212-880-9132 (06/15/05)
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Clay's Management Praises Fans
From the CB:
I just talked with someone who talked to Clay's management team (yes, the direct team). No specific Clay stuff at the moment, but they got to talking about his fans and they are very impressed with all you do, how persistant you are, how creative you are and just love you to pieces. They said Clay's fans are like non other in the business.
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