New Album - Aiming for "Early 2008" Release
Clay revealed at tonight's M&G in West Palm Beach that he and his team is aiming for an early 2008 release of the new album. Of course, the last time Clay told us this, he ended up being about 8 months off, so take this with a grain of salt. We do know however that 2 songs Clay submitted have been approved by RCA.
Here is the report from the various boards...
From CV:
OMG..................M & G report:Another quote from CV:
he came in WET from the shower. looked like a waif off the street. 5230 shirt with ragged shorts. he asked everyone's name. he was comfortable, easy to be with. mary, jamie & jerome in room
CD coming out in early 2008 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
his part takes a week or two. it is the preproduction and the post production. artwork. takes the most time. if he had to, he could record the whole thing in a week.
she is sorry to ramble
he will not be summer touring unless he gets that CD out.
she is shook up !! he is like talking to your relative in your living room.
lots of men in the audience. 10 orchestra members on the stage. he will not come to FLA for xmas. quite a few more dates that will come out, not ready to announce them yet.
he was extremely chatty.
Christmas in the Heartland...they said NJ was hardly heartland. she told him he needed to learn georgraphy before he goes on Fifth Grader. He said...go ahead, just ask me anything !!
funny, wonderful, warm, welcoming, kind person
M&G was amazing. just out of the shower. white 5230 shirt and shredded cargos. sandals. he was totally at ease. CD WILL BE COMING OUT EARLY 2008!!! HIS PART TAKES A WEEK OR TWO - THE PRODUCTION TAKES THE TIME - GOAL - EARLY 2008!!! won't be summer touring unless he gets CD out in time.