Mexico Flooding Relief and Donation Info At UNICEF Website
In yesterday's Clay's Daily Double article, Clay Taking UNICEF's Message To Mexico, we told you about Clay's planned trip to Mexico over the Christmas holidays. Clay will be spending Christmas with the families in Mexico who were affected by the recent flooding. If anyone can bring sunshine to this devastated area, its Clay.
One of the feature stories at the UNICEF website concerns the needs of children affected by this flooding. The story, entitled, Flood response targets immediate needs of children in Tabasco and Chiapas , by Richard Alleyne, tells us how the people have been affected and what UNICEF is doing to help. The story tells us:
The Ministry of Education reports that 400,000 students across the state have been affected and 2,500 schools damaged by the floods. Neighboring Chiapas has also suffered flooding, and UNICEF has sent two teams of experts to both areas to identify immediate needs.Clay has said that the gift he would like from us at Christmas time is a donation to UNICEF to help the children who are suffering from the damage this flood caused. You can donate to the wonderful cause by going to the page at their website entitled, Support UNICEF's Work for the Children of Mexico. Just fill out the donation amount and donor information on that page. Any amount will help. Here are some ways our donations can make a difference:
What your money can buyJust as Clay is making a difference in these people's lives by traveling to Mexico, we also can make a difference by donating to this worthwhile cause.
$3 can buy a large wool blanket to protect children from the cold during an emergency.
$22 can buy a First Aid kit containing items such as gloves, adhesive, bandages and gauze for use during emergency situations.
$101 can provide 10 families with Basic Family Water kits for use during emergency situations.
$244 can buy an Emergency Health Kit that provides basic drugs, medical supplies, and equipment for 1,000 people for 3 months.
"It's important that I make a difference in some way. It's not necessarily how I make a difference, but I want to make sure that I do." Clay Aiken