Clayboard Celebrating Clay's 30th Birthday With "Fundraiser" and "Acts of Kindness"
Clay will turn 30 on November 30. That is less than 2 weeks, in fact, only 12 days.One way you can celebrate Clay's 30th birthday is by participating and The Clayboard's annual Clayboard Team for Inclusion TBAF Two Fold Birthday Celebration Project, which includes (1) a fundraiser for The Bubel Aiken Foundation, and (2) encouraging people to reach out to others in various acts of kindness.
A thread is set up at The Clayboard which is dedicated to this celebration.
You can go to the Clayboard Team 4 Inclusion Clay's B-day BAF Fundraiser and read all about it, or just read below about the details. Mamarose at the Clayboard has written up a wonderful explanation of the Birthday Celebration Project:
Before I get into details of this year's Birthday Celebration Project, let me explain how you can become a part of our Clayboard Team for Inclusion TBAF Beta Alpha Chapter!Thanks to Mamarose for this explanation. Please give if you can, and you can help make this a memorable celebration for both Clay and The Bubel Aiken Foundation.
What is Beta Alpha you ask:
"Beta Alpha is a nationwide community project where groups come together to raise funds and build awareness for full inclusion. Beta Alpha allows you to turn any event, golf tournaments, tennis matches, marathons, auctions, into one that helps support the goal of inclusion. It will also allow people to make individual donations to join the cause."
Anyone wishing to be a member of The Clayboard Team for Inclusion must register individually. Registering is very simple and only takes a minute or two. Go to the Beta Alpha Individual Registration Page. Fill out the form you see there. On the form, you will see a space asking you to fill in the name of your chapter/group. If you wish to become a part of our Clayboard chapter, there you should type in our title, Clayboard Team for Inclusion. It is as simple as that! Of course individuals may register without becoming a member of a chapter, but we really would love to build a great Beta Alpha Chapter here at The Clayboard and we hope you will join us. Registration is open to EVERYONE!!!
***And now on to our Clayboard Team for Inclusion TBAF Two Fold Birthday Celebration Project!!!***
PART ONE of our Birthday Celebration Project will be a fundraiser to benefit The Bubel/Aiken Foundation. To make a contribution to our TBAF fundraiser, please CLICK HERE: TBAF DONATION PAGE and follow the directions given there to make your online donation.
IMPORTANT NOTE, PLEASE READ: IN ORDER TO HAVE YOUR DONATION COUNT AS A CLAYBOARD TEAM FOR INCLUSION DONATION, you must include the name of our chapter when filling out the donation form. In the box marked "Beta Alpha Chapter," just type in Clayboard Team for Inclusion. That way your donation will go into the total being raised by our Chapter for this drive.
Also note that the donation form offers suggestions for donation amounts, but there is also a box included for "Other" in which you can write in the donation amount of YOUR choice. Please remember...NO DONATION IS TOO SMALL!
Although TBAF will keep a tally of the contributions coming in, as we did last year, we will also be manually tabulating our daily totals so we can keep you posted on how the fundraiser is coming along.
So, after you have made your TBAF donation, please follow these steps:
Send a PM Mamarose10 (take the link above to the Clayboard thread and click on Mamarose's name in the first post to send her a PM) and include in your PM the following information:
1. The total amount of your donation (Type carefully & accurately please!).
2. Your screenname, if you wish to be included on a participant list that will be published with birthday greetings to Clay. If you chose, you can also be listed as Anonymous.
Please note: Donation amounts will NOT be published. Every donation, large or small, is important and equally appreciated!
PART TWO of our project will be a little different. We all know that sometimes monetary donations are just not possible, but that should never stop anyone who wishes to take part in Clay's birthday celebration. Those who cannot make a monetary donation to TBAF at this time, are welcome to instead participate in some thoughtful and intentional acts of kindness in Clay's name. It can be anything from helping an elderly neighbor to volunteering at a local soup kitchen or whatever you choose.
The names of ALL participants, both those who make a monetary contribution and those who perform an act of kindness, will be included on a birthday card to be presented to Clay at the end of the month.
To participate in the Thoughtful and Intentional Acts of Kindness Project, please follow these steps:
Send a PM Mamarose10 and include in your PM the following information:
1. A BRIEF synopsis of your act of kindness.
2. Your screenname so we may include you on a participant list that will be published with birthday greetings to Clay. If you wish, you can also be listed as Anonymous.
****Lurkers/non-Clayboard members who would like to participate may feel free to donate and email to report their donations.
As the days go by, we will try our best to keep you posted with updates on how our fundraising and acts of kindness totals are coming along.
Our fundraiser will officially end at Noon Eastern Time on November 29th. As soon as we are able we will post the total amount raised.
So let's get this party started!!!!!! If you have not done so already, please join us in becoming a member of our Clayboard Team for Inclusion Beta Alpha Chapter, and let's make this a month where we show Clay that we support him, love him and celebrate each and every day the joy he has brought to all of us!
Sounds like a great project. Thanks!
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