2nd Anniversary of Lil' John Singing With Clay on Solo Tour
Remember Lil' John? He sang This Is The Night with Clay in Atlantic City during Clay's solo tour. Well, today was the 2nd anniversary of that unforgettable moment!
I remember they dressed up Lil' John just like Clay. He had on a striped shirt and blue tie. And they even spiked his hair so he would look just like Clay! I'm not sure there was a dry eye in the house as people watched the two of them sing together as they walked down the steps on the stage.Today, the tables are turned. John still looks like Clay, but this time Clay is copying John's hair style. When John saw Clay on TV, his comment was that Clay had his hair now! John is still a Clay fan today!
Thanks to Nicki503 from the Clayboard for giving us this great update on John.
Technorati tags: Clay Aiken, A Thousand Different Ways, American Idol, Invisible
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