"It's A Wrap" By CorieLuvzClay Helps Us Say Goodbye to Old Year and Welcome in 2007
Its hard to believe that 2006 is only a day away from being over and 2007 is ready to rush in to take its place. 2006 started so slowly and, let's face it, very discouraging. But it ended with a bang, with a beautiful new CD, many television appearances by Clay, and a very successful Christmas tour, oh yes, and that gorgeous new look on our forever gorgeous guy.
One of our Clay fans who is gifted in word, CorieluvzClay, has written a beautiful piece to help us remember everything Clay from 2006 and look forward to what's yet to come in 2007. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Being a Clay fan, whether during the highs or lows, is a fascinating and exhilarating journey. Read on to enjoy this journey through her words.
It’s A Wrap!Technorati tags: Clay Aiken, A Thousand Different Ways, ATDW, All Is Well, Merry Christmas With Love, Invisible
And so, metaphorically speaking, another curtain comes down for Clay Aiken & his Nation of devoted, love-struck fans. No venue is ever the same after The Man gets through with it, for he leaves behind what no other performer can…a little bit of himself. Clay gives so much of his spirit and his soul to each and every Christmas Concert series, his essence lingers in the air like the scent of the very holiday itself. You can almost smell the fragrance of fresh pine trees, Christmas Cookie scented candles and the smell of Cinnamon & Sugar baked goodies as vital sparks of his warmth, willpower, prowess and comedic flair hang, suspended in the air of each venue until it ever so slowly dissipates.The walls and the rafters of these auditoriums absorb the tenor’s honey coated voice, words flowing forth in an array of strengths. Notes from the depths of his lower register to heaven bound glory notes soaring toward the angelic audience who beam with pride at one of The Master’s extraordinary creations.
Clay’s ardent fans, extended family really, and newer audience members were treated to a Symphonic Christmas Show this year like no other Clay has given to us. This time it was pure Clay…no backup singers to drown him out, no band to obliterate his words…supported by Symphonies and Orchestras up and down the East Coast. It was just Clay, solo and in his purest form of showmanship to date, lifting us up so high at times we looked down on Heaven…AND…his sparkle surpassed that of the brightest star in the galaxy! Left to his own device, Clay was singer, actor and stand-up comedian all rolled into one and as far as this writer is concerned he deserves a Grammy, an Oscar and a Golden Globe for Comedy.
Clay Aiken is one amazing entertainer, we are so lucky to have him in our lifetime…the only sad downside is that the rest of the world has not yet experienced Clay Aiken the way we have…but when that day comes, and I do feel it coming…look out world…you will be hit with a tsunami of emotions, thoughts and feelings like nothing before!
Those of you who truly “get him” will be astounded by what he does to you and make note that with all the talented fans in his Nation, no one to date has been able to put into words, what exactly it is about Clay and what he does to one’s senses…poor unsuspecting souls…but we will welcome you with open arms and show you the thud laden way…we are as intelligent and savvy as The Man himself, however, when in his presence we have been known to summon up only guttural sounds at best!
Clay Aiken is not the quirky, sweet Southern “boy next door” of American Idol fame. This awesome human being is a grown man, still sweet and yes, still humble…BUT…now-a-days he is steeped in sizzling seductiveness, complete with both the “X” and the “IT” factors squarely in place! As we have been known to say within the ClayNation…The Wrapping has changed, but The Gift is the same!!Clay Aiken has matured, he is a man who is gorgeous in looks, beautiful in heart and divine in spirit! He has always been a strong individual, learning to get through a childhood riddled with bullies, hurt and pain. But now he has further grown, in so many ways…this past year especially, and developed into a man of strength and substance like never before. He is savvy, street smart and intelligent & Clay is wise beyond his years. He is a compassionate humanitarian, a passionate believer in God as well as in what is good and bad and what is right or wrong.
Clay Aiken’s journey has been a truly phenomenal one…almost as multi-faceted as his charismatic personality, talent, wit and charm. As 2006 comes to an end I can’t help but think that this year mimicked the highs and lows of Clay’s vocal range. It would have been a devastating time for one with a lesser outlook on life and to some degree it took its toll…but Clay’s spirit transcended the slings and arrows of tabloid rags and media trash. His intelligence helped him to cope and decipher things that were being said, written or shown…lies and complete untruths running rampant through the Internet plagued him, but he took hold of the reins in his own way and told the media that his personal life was his own and belonged to no one else and that it was, in fact, no one’s business. Their questions and innuendos were rude and invasive. He said this year was the “education of Clay”, and so he learned…and with quiet class and dignity Clay told them all where to go and when he was done, he had freed himself of the shackles that held him at bay for months.Clay emerged victorious and more confident then ever before, with a totally new look that some say is more rock and edgy…sporting a longer hair style, with and without bangs, a new GQ look in his dress and a new attitude. He metamorphosed into a hotter and sexier man then his Claymates dared to even imagine, his demeanor and persona exuding animal magnetism and a seductive allure! During his Christmas show, Clay was flirtatious and tempting, he exuded a star quality loaded with pizzazz and he was oh, so, provocative as he sang to us through half-closed eyes that held a come-hither look and kissable puckered lips…forget about McDreamy and McSteamy…can we say “McSizzle”??
Clay Aiken also emerged, knowing for absolute certain, who his fans were and where they stood…and where we stood was all around him…surrounding him in our circle of unconditional love and unwavering support, faith and loyalty!
We now await the next upcoming tour for Clay’s sophomore CD, A Thousand Different Ways…so Clay, rest, relax, take some time off...then come running back to us with the hottest love fest concert series evah in history!!!!!!! Just imagine...a concert tour of love songs...nothing but love songs!!!!!!! Now hold that thought until the ATDW tour begins. I am also thinking that Clay will add several songs to the fourteen on the CD, plus Lover All Alone & If You Don’t Know Me By Now...I'm imagining two – two and a half hours of LOVE SONGS...NOTHING BUT LOVE SONGS!!!Complete with sweetly whispered lyrics and soaring glory notes. Jade colored eyes, squinting to a half-closed gaze, making love to each and every Claymate as those notes slip through perfectly bow shaped lips...pink, plump, & puckered...just right for kissing! *sigh*
Everything within me that makes me think, feel and imagine tells me that 2007 is going to be an astounding “break-out” year for Clay Aiken…if we thought the last four years since American Idol II have been phenomenal…something tells me that “we ain’t seen nothin’ yet”!!!
Bring it Clay…we adore you!! You are encircled in our unconditional love and unwavering support…we are waiting for the next tour to begin…we will try to be patient…but it has already been four whole days since we’ve seen you…so make it snappy…LOL
I wish you a New Year filled with health, hope, happiness, love and all that your heart desires! May God bless you and keep you always safely within the Palms of His Hands!
By: CorieLuvzClay
December 27, 2006
Thank you for sharing the year's recap by CorieLuvzClay. This is an excellent piece that many would not have seen had you not featured it here.
Wishing you and yours all the best in the New Year!
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