Kelly Ripa: Clay Didn't Respect Me
OK... Let me begin by saying that this is not satire and these are actual 'claims' made by whiny Kelly Ripa who co-hosted Live with Regis & Kelly with Clay on Friday.
Live on air this morning, Ripa complained to Regis about not being treated "respectfully". In a story picked up by Associated Press, she said she felt Clay wasn't "respectful in any way" and that Clay violated her space by putting his hands over her big blabbering mouth.
So, let me get this clear. You ask the producers to play an insanely stupid impersonation of Clay Aiken, while the man is there sitting beside you, and you expect him to be all cheery and happy about it?
What is wrong with this woman? How low and unprofessional can she go? As one AOL TMZ user posted: "It's about time someone shut Kelly Ripa up. That self-centered diva needs more than a hand over her mouth. I hope Regis shoves his foot in her mouth when he gets the chance."
I strongly recommend you read this blog from Debunking the Myth of Claymates:
Speaking of disrespectful, I admit I am confused. I seem to recall a time when Kelly dressed up as Clay for Halloween. In fact, she showed this on the show Friday. But only part of it. She didn't show the part where she, as Clay, kissed Regis, who was in costume as Bo Bice.
What a respectful way to portray Clay! Except NOT.
But that's not all. On Friday's show, with full knowledge that Clay doesn't like cats, in fact, has a phobia of cats, she still waved a cat photo in his face, on the air, on purpose. Even made a threatening statement about it. But I assumed she was kidding. You know, made a joke.
Sort of like when Clay put his hand over her mouth. I guess humor is often lost on the fanatical.
I am not saying Clay was right in trying to surpress Kelly's interview with Emmitt and Cheryl so as to be able to speak to them. But she insulted him right at the top of the show by airing that (partial) video of her mocking him.
Kelly Ripa's bias against Clay is well documented, and goes way back. She thought Clay was the person she portrayed that Halloween two years ago. Her lack of knowledge about who Clay really is? That's on her, not him. Her rant this morning made her look petty and small. And most of all, silly.
Kelly Ripa, you lost a fan today.
I'm not saying two wrongs make a right. But I am saying this...
Respect is a two way street. You can't treat people like dirt and then expect them to kiss your ass.

All the major Clay nation blogs have had their say. Here's a special edition of CDD's Blogwatch which usually resides in our Tidbits posts.
- ConCLAYve - highly recommended post on this subject:
What host with any class rips into a previous guest on her show, especially when there was no bad press about it or any serious altercation to begin with? The answer has something to do with ego and an exaggerated sense of self worth.
- Taking A Moment's Jemock's perspective is always an interesting one:
What is the deal with her? Was she mad because Clay was cuter than she was? Is she mad because Clay has more fans than she does? Is she mad because Clay put his hand over her mouth? Doesn't she know he acted all contrite and everything? Does anybody think Clay was hankerin for a spankin? Is all he has to do is act combative in order to get a spanking? Did I need to take a moment when he said that? Does a bear download in the woods?
- Casper's Place: Ripa is unprofessional and classless -- "There is nothing I hate more than when somebody has a problem with someone else and, instead of being a mature adult and discussing it with that person privately, they go and gripe about it behind their backs."
- There Was A Man -- "Kelly Ripa was a little jealous in not getting invited to the TomKat wedding so she decided to grab a little publicity for herself at Clay Aiken's expense. After a very entertaining show last Friday, Ms Ripa decided that Clay had a bit too much attention, so she waits until he isn't there to defend himself to rip into him."
- Southern Girl
- Associated Press wire
- Record Online
- ABC WTVD Raleigh - includes video of Ripa commenting on today's show
- United Press Int'l wire
- AOL TV has a clip of Kelly making fun of Clay's cat-phobia.
Technorati tags: Clay Aiken, A Thousand Different Ways, ATDW, All Is Well, Merry Christmas With Love, Invisible