Tidbits 9/4
Pain happens to everyone. To grow up, to fulfill your potential, to develop into what God wants you to be- this process takes support. No one succeeds alone.
-Clay Aiken
- Fantastic mention in the Mississippi Daily Journal. An American Idol producer is quoted as saying: "It takes us five to 30 seconds (to decide who's going on to the next round). It took me two seconds to know (season two runner up) Clay Aiken would go on."
- Concert ticket auctioneer StubHub has updated Clay's profile... check this out:
Clay Aiken Tickets - Hardly Second Place
A most unlikely star, Clay Aiken has proved he's got not only the chops to make it as a successful pop artist, but also the magnetism of our most beloved singers. He may have been the "American Idol" runner-up, but his career is a winner. When he's not busy with extensive charity work, he's touring and recording. Check out his upcoming third album, A Thousand Different Ways.
Sold out? So what! Get your Clay Aiken tickets at StubHub today and shop the only fan-to-fan marketplace with the FanProtect Guarantee. I'm shocked I didn't notice this myself. Clay Aiken The Ideal Idol points out Clay's wardrobe from last week's Insider visit was the exact same as his wardrobe during Hometown Connection way back in the 90's.
- Clay's voice could cure broken hearts- heartwarming story from Clay Dream Beleivers's Anaka:
A few days ago I had the misfortune of ending up in the hospital, some three weeks after a previous stay. Seems they can't get my heartbeat to behave. It is either too fast or too slow. Personally, I think it is being caused by lack of continuous excitement from one Mr. Clay Aiken. But it seems that should let up soon and I foresee September being one in which a continuous flow of sightings and heavenly sounds coming from those shell pink lips will render my problems null and void.
But here is a funny story that happened during my stay. The nurse station was outside my room and night after night I could hear them chattering away about every subject in the world. One night there was a young group of nurses and aids and they were playing some music and talking about the current scene in the pop world. One of them put on Justin Timberlake’s' new offering "Sexy Back" (God help us if this is what sexy is, but I digress) and was gushing about him and the song, but at the same time complaining about his new ugly face, whatever that means. Imagine this song playing in the cardiac ward if you will. Within a couple of minutes the senior "boss" nurse walked in and in no uncertain terms told them to turn off that junk before all the patients went into cardiac arrest.
Well it just happens that I had a burned a copy of “Without You” with me and this seemed the opportune time to try it out on the nurses, once the boss left of course. I tiptoed out of my room, standing there in my lovely hospital gown and told them to give this new song a try. I did not tell them who it was. After making sure the boss was gone, they slipped it in their little CD player and began to listen. Every one of them (there were about 6) was mesmerized and they continued to play it over and over, each time increasing the volume. At some point they had turned it up too high and the boss returned grabbing the CD player. For some reason she could not figure out how to turn it down so it continued to play. At this point she saw me and literally shoved me back in my room threatening to tie me down if I didn't stop wandering around. She had no idea I was the culprit, guilty on all charges of outright proselytizing. For a minute or so everything was quiet and I could hear the music still playing as she finally figured out how to turn off the CD player.
The nurses and aids told me later that they feared she would report all of them for what had happened. But instead, after telling them in no uncertain terms they were not allowed to play any personal music in the hospital and that this was a warning only, she said to them “Now whoever that guy is singing in that song, he could cure some broken hearts with that voice”. - York Daily Record - An article about the CD party of the SOUTHCENTRALPAfansforCLAYAIKEN is at this site. Time and cost information is included in the article.

- ClayKat: counting down the days to ATDW (many thanks for the CDD mention, ClayKat!)
- ClaySpots thoughts on today's two awesome ATDW reviews.
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