Pope Benedict XVI and Clay - Seattle Weekly
This shows that Clay is mentioned in the weirdest of places... Today, we found this, an article about the Catholic's Church's opposition to homosexuality.
The Rules
by Steve Wiecking
I did manage to get away with the first 10 rules, which will no doubt rid the Catholic Church of homosexuals for centuries to come:
1. All skirts must be worn below the knee.
2. No idol worship--except for Clay Aiken, who is so good to his mother.
3. Novitiates must stop describing his holiness' gowns as "fabulous."
4. Conversation between seminarians may not include the question, "So, what do you think of the new talent?"
5. The new talent is to be divided equally among only those cardinals who have proved their discretion.
6. All future ecumenical council disagreements are to be voiced with decorum, free of disparaging comments such as, "Look who has her panties in a twist."
7. Marathon screenings of The Thornbirds are hereby terminated.
8. Angelina Jolie is not a potential candidate for sainthood.
9. "Madonna" refers to the Blessed Virgin Mary and nobody else.
10. Similarly, "Mary" is the mother of our lord and not a term of endearment.
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