Taking a Memory Walk Down Kimmel Lane
As you know, Clay will be on The Jimmy Kimmel Show on Thursday, May 10. Something fun always happens when Clay is on the show, and this time will certainly be no exception.
Let's think back to those times that Clay has been on the show before and see how much you can remember. Below are 20 questions about all of Clay's Kimmel appearances. Answers appear at the end of this article...no fair peeking!!
First JK Appearance - 11/13/03
1. On Clay's first appearance on JK, he gave a video gift to Jimmy. Who was he snuggling with in that video?
2. Jimmy mentioned seven ways he and Clay were alike. Can you name all seven?
2nd JK Appearance - 6/28/04
3. In the skit where Clay and Jimmy "smoothed things out", what 3 things did Clay say that Jimmy had said about him on previous shows?
4. After beating up on Jimmy but good (!), Clay told Jimmy that he was going to get what?
5. What 5 names did Jimmy suggest for Clay's fans instead of Claymates?
Valentines Day Appearance - 2/14/05
6. What was sitting on the arm of Clay's chair? What was in front of Jimmy's desk?
7. What three groups did Jimmy mention as sending some of the Valentine gifts?
8. What toppings were on the pizza Clay opened up?
9. What did Jimmy say they were gonna do with all the gifts later?Red Carpet Show - 9/26/05
10. What did Clay carry out to share with Jimmy?
11. What pet of Clay's did he and Jimmy talk about, and what was its name?
12. Jimmy mentioned Clay being a reporter for The Insider and showed Clay making a funny noise. Why did Clay make that noise?
Virgin Music CD Signing Show - 9/26/06 (I never realized before that he appeared on this show one year to the day from his last appearance)
13. What did Clay say that the driver of the car said that caused him to get out of the car?
14. What held Clay up in the streets of New York City when he was trying to get back to his hotel?
15. What did the 2 fans get Clay to do when they were in line at the CD signing?
16. What did Clay then show Jimmy that he had done?
Valentines Day Show - 2/14/07
17. What did Clay walk out carrying?
18. What gift did Clay give to Jimmy?
19. What did Clay use to make up Jimmy's song?
20. Can you remember the whole song Clay sang?
How many do you think you got right? I found it really interesting as I watched each of these shows how Jimmy and Clay's relationship went from somewhat hesitant at the first show to good ol' buddies by the last. At the first show, Clay answered many of Jimmy's questions with one word answers or at least very short answers. By the last show he was leaning back in his chair and practically doing all the talking. They were like good friends who hadn't seen each other in a while. I loved watching this. If you don't already have these shows downloaded, you can get them all at Clack Unlimited under TV Appearances, Kimmel.Now, here's the answers to the questions.
1. Jimmy's girlfriend, Sarah Silverman
2. Both like James Taylor, have allergies, dislike cats, bit their toenails, read while on the toilet, were born in November, and like Krispy Kremes3. He looked like Barry Manilow and Peewee Herman had a baby together, it looked like the the Clay Aiken doll and the Ken doll were dating, it looked like they could use him to light the Olympic Torch
4. To get some food
5. Aikenholics Anonymous, Clay Clux Clan, Utah Jazz, Aiken Lettuce & Tomatoes, Cladies6. A white teddy bear; A huge heart made of red balloons
7. Bolt Babes, Claymates, I'll Kill Myself If You Don't Marry Me Clay Club
8. Pineapple and Ham
9. Sell them on the street10. Two cookie-pops
11. A goat named Zoe
12. Because a fan kissed him unexpectedly13. THEY WILL BE LOCKED!!!!
14. President Bush's motercade
15. Sign their backs so they could get it made into a tatoo
16. Showed Jimmy where he had "tatooed" Jimmy's picture on his leg!17. A big heart shaped with red balloons and a gift for Jimmy
18. A t-shirt with Clay's picture on it (Clay had a shirt on with Jimmy's picture)
19. Valentines heart sayings
20. Love Me, True Love, Fax Me, Got Love, You're So Sweet, Your's Forever, You're So Sweet I've Got Stage 2 Diabetes (not gonna work), Angel, Dear One, You're a Tiger, You're My Jimmy!
Many thanks to my friend Susie for finding some of these pictures for me!
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