"Our" Idol Gives Back - An Essay By CorieLuvzClay
Most of you have read the beautiful essays that CorieLuvzClay writes, many of which we have included here at Clay's Daily Double. Corie has been wanting to write one about Clay's trip with UNICEF for a couple of weeks now, but there have been things going on in her life that have kept her from writing one.
I received Corie's essay last night, and now that I have read what she wrote about our Ambassador Clay Aiken, I believe it was meant to be for the essay to come at this time instead of earlier. It comes just in time for us to include it in our edition of CDD that goes out on the last day that donations are being accepted for Clay's $100,000/10 Day appeal (and, of course, we popped the top off that thermometer!). It comes just when UNICEF and Clay are putting the final touches on his "Field Report". It comes just after we saw the fantastic Entertainment Tonight report on Clay's trip with UNICEF. It comes when excitement is high in Claynation from seeing all of the beautiful pictures of Clay with the children in Afghanistan and watching the videos, including that heart-melting picture and video of Clay and the baby..."All Done Darlin'". Will I ever get over that one?
So, as you read this extraordinary essay, see if you don't agree that it came at the perfect time, and also that she sums up the thoughts and feelings of all of Claynation for their UNICEF Ambassador Clay Aiken!
“OUR” IDOL GIVES BACK!I sit here at my computer, looking, watching, listening and falling in love…over and over and over again. I listen to and watch recent videos…I look at precious few pictures many, many times. I suck in my breath, my heart clenches and yet again, for the umpteenth time I think…just what is it? Just exactly what has he got that no one else has? What in the name of all that is holy is the hold, the rapture…the absolute most spellbinding grasp this man has on us? We don’t seem to know, those of us who have some modicum of an inkling find it hard to put into words, he most assuredly has no clue and the rest of the world…”out there”, out of this realm, out of “his nation”, is so far removed that they are utterly lost…lost and confused at the unabashed, unconditional love, commitment and support we have for this man, “our” American Idol, my Pied Piper, my Prince of Thieves as I have named him in other writings.
This man who dips long, slender fingers into pools of philanthropic waters and causes a ripple effect so strong that without his knowing to what extent…”his nation” watches…it waits and it watches, holding a collective breath, wondering the same thoughts…is he safe? What will he do today? How will he touch someone on the other side of the world? What will he leave behind?Will his footprints be emblazoned on the hearts of those he comforts, will his soft voice be branded to the memories of those he speaks to, will his smile be stamped in their minds eye…will sparkling jade green eyes be forever hallmarked in the hearts, minds and souls of the people whose lives he touched for a brief five days? Will Clay Aiken, America’s sweetheart, superstar pop-singer, UNICEF Ambassador for the well being and education of the world’s children make the impression upon the people of Afghanistan that is needed there…letting them know that someone cares? That someone will fight for them, that someone will try to “save” them in some small way…if in no other way, at least to make known, their hearts desire for the fulfillment of education? Helping them to fill the void, the hunger and quenching their thirst for knowledge, one of the most important tools they must have in order to survive the ever developing world around them? I think he does, in his own distinctive, exceptional way; Clay will let them know that he will do all in his power to help them to realize their own dreams of a brighter future.
By now, most of us have seen the video of Clay giving a polio vaccine to an infant held snuggly and lovingly in his warm, safe arms. The look on his face is one of profound attention to the mission at hand. Once completed, his face lights up with an affectionate smile and he softly says…”all done darlin’, all done, all finished” and the look on Clay’s face is real and true and it just melts your heart and those words just suck you in. Although unclear, he then seems to whisper…”aw sweetheart, sweet” as he gently caresses the tiny infant’s soft cheek with feathery thumb strokes. At some other juncture in the video you see Clay gently rubbing the arm of another baby and saying “poor darlin’ “ as that baby receives an injection from the doctor and it’s these soft murmurings, sweet gestures and gentle looks that make Clay Aiken stand out and away from other celebrities. He loses himself in the moment, never paying attention to the camera around him and just is himself…never ashamed or embarrassed to show his softer side, to reveal his tender and loving nature…never too macho to show the rest of us how to love and to share what’s inside of us with those in need. Clay wears his heart on his sleeve, he is more than simply a human being…and he has not one care what others may think of his gentle nature. This is Clay Aiken…he is like this whether on a mission with UNICEF or on a stage singing songs of love and angst or songs in prayer to the Heavenly Father…he gives of his heart and his soul, in their entirety until the light pours out of him and shines on all of us.
His look, at those moments become virtually ethereal and therein lies one of the mysteries…how does this man, who is human, seemingly change his appearance to that of an Angelic force when engaged in something from his heart and his soul? I don’t think we will ever have the answer to that question; it’s not for us to know…it’s only for us to witness, love and learn from. Clay Aiken is “A Spiritual Being on a Human Journey”!
I know that Clay Aiken is not the only celebrity Ambassador for UNICEF, I know that there are actors, singers and sports figures who also travel with UNICEF in an effort to bring help and relief to other developing nations…but no matter their popularity, it just seems that Clay brings awareness like no one else can…and he can do this because of us, his fans. Because of the love and respect we have for Clay, we make sure that his appeals and cries for help are not only met but they are met with a fervor and a pitch that shakes the organization on the receiving end to it’s very core.He asked for one hundred thousand dollars in donations to bring educational supplies to the children of Afghanistan and his quest is being met with almost double that in less time then the allotted ten days to reach this goal. As of this writing we are at $161,798.82 in donations with still one day to go and without having the ending total for Friday, April 20, 2007.
"I want my tombstone to say that I made a difference somewhere...I don't want this to be for naught, I don't want all this to be a waste, I kind of would like to think that I am here for a reason" By Clay Aiken November 2004
We love you Clay, we’re here for you, helping you to realize your dreams for children in need everywhere, in all walks of life and under all circumstances, whether through UNICEF or The Bubel/Aiken Foundation. We’re here…loving you unconditionally, supporting you unwaveringly and respecting you beyond measure…Always & Forever!
April 21, 2007
That was beautiful, Cori. Thanks for speaking what is in so many of our hearts.
Cori, what a lovely essay. You've made it a bit clearer to me why Clay is so near to all our hearts. Thankyou.
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