Clay Fans Issue PR
We've never seen this before. A Claymate at issued this press release about Clay's success via the PR Newswires today.... Hmmm... if you ask me, this stuff should be left to the professionals- team Clay.
Clay Aiken Fans Celebrate Third Year AnniversaryClay Aiken fans everywhere celebrate the music, the teachings, the charity, the concern for children, the spiritual drive, and the compassion of this Raleigh, North Carolina man who first stepped into the public eye three years ago.
(PRWEB) February 2, 2006 -- Three years ago on January 28, 2003, Clay Aiken stepped into our lives saying the words, "I'm the next American Idol." He didn't win the competition, but instead, he became something so much more important to thousands of fans and followers of all ages around the globe.
This week marks not only the 3rd year celebration of the public awareness and music career of this amazing man, known to his fans, the ClayMates, as "OMC" (Our Man Clay), but also as a celebration of a long line of friendships and acquaintances made by thousands who attend Clay Aiken concerts and concert pre-parties, or connect through his Official Fan Club (OFC), popular online message boards, and through the numerous charities and fundraisers that have been born from his own charitable efforts.
Celebrate The Man
Clay, a Raleigh, North Carolina native, intended to pursue a career in special education and was in the process of completing his degree at UNC-Charlotte when Continue reading...
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