Good Morning America Concert (Sings NEW Song!)
Clay appeared on today's edition of Good Morning America for their weekly Summer Concert series!
HQ Photos from Getty Images (courtesy CB's mee2u). Do not repost anywhere copyright is an issue:

-More caps/photos can be found at our Photo Album for the GMA Concert and HERE.
HQ Photos from Getty Images (courtesy CB's mee2u). Do not repost anywhere copyright is an issue:

-More caps/photos can be found at our Photo Album for the GMA Concert and HERE.
-Links to media/recaps are on our Tour News/Media page.
-A HQ download of the new song, "Back For More" is available at
-A HQ download of the new song, "Back For More" is available at
-Recaps are also available HERE.
Songs Performed:
1. Suspicious Minds- the #1 Elvis hit from 1969
2. Back For More (view lyrics) - a new song off for the new album that is very radio orientated. The lyrics refer to radio a couple of times ("Don't change the station"). A fantastic song.
Songs Performed:
1. Suspicious Minds- the #1 Elvis hit from 1969
2. Back For More (view lyrics) - a new song off for the new album that is very radio orientated. The lyrics refer to radio a couple of times ("Don't change the station"). A fantastic song.
3. Invisible (partially aired on TV)
4. Twisting the Night Away (not aired on TV)
Clay was also asked about his UNICEF duties and his move back to Raleigh from LA.
The CB's Khrystah has found some hilarious signs spotted at GMA on Friday:
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